
Kazakhstan security forces block streets in Almaty amid calls for fresh protests

Kazakhstan security forces block streets in Almaty amid calls for fresh protests
Opposition groups in Kazakhstan planned more protests on Wednesday, which prompted security forces to block streets and section off parts of the country's biggest city Almaty.
1 min read
Kazakh prosecutors say 225 people have died in the unrest [source: Getty]

Security forces blocked several downtown streets and cordoned off one of the squares in Kazakhstan's biggest city Almaty on Wednesday as an , a Reuters correspondent reported from the scene.

The oil-rich Central Asian nation was shaken this month by the worst bout of violence in its during which most of them in Almaty.

On Wednesday, a group led by Mukhtar Ablyazov, a former Kazakh banker turned government critic in exile, said it would hold buildings in major cities throughout the country of 19 million.

A Kazakh court has ruled Ablyazov's political movement, Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan, was extremist.

Police in said they were carrying out an "anti-terrorist operation".
