Jordan shoots down drone carrying weapons from Syria
Jordan’s army said Saturday that it shot down a drone carrying weapons from neighbouring Syria.
The drone was used in an attempt to "smuggle weapons and hand grenades" into Jordan, read the Jordanian Armed Forces' .
A rifle and four hand grenades were found where the drone had been shot down, according to the statement.
Jordan has for years struggled to thwart smuggling from war-torn Syria, particularly drugs.
Syria is the suspected source of much of the Middle East’s drug trade, including captagon.
Jordan has pointed to Iranian-linked militias and the Syria regime as the source of the drug smuggling, while analysts also say that Lebanon's Hezbollah militia is active in the trade.
The two countries have in the past agreed to cooperate on border security. Russia, a key backer of the Syrian regime, has also said it is willing to help combat the smuggling.