
Jordan pressuring migrant workers to leave, says post-coronavirus jobs will be for ‘Jordanians first’

Jordan pressuring migrant workers to leave, says post-coronavirus jobs will be for ‘Jordanians first’
Jordan has given migrant workers a deadline to leave the country without being forced to pay fines as part of measures to prioritize Jordanian citizens in the labour market.
2 min read
05 May, 2020
The Jordanian economy has been severely affected by coronavirus [Getty]

Jordan has given migrant workers on its territory a new deadline to leave the country, as authorities said that they would give priority to the employment of citizens due to the on the economy.

The Jordanian Labour Minister, Nidal Bataniya, said, “The theme of the coming days and months will be the priority of the Jordanian in job opportunities, which have been reduced. This will mean a limit on job opportunities for migrant workers.

The job market is currently experiencing a big challenge because of the negative effects of the spread of coronavirus across the world.”

Jordan took deal with the coronavirus pandemic, . On Sunday, the government announced that most businesses could reopen. However, Bataniya said that at least 75% of the employees of would have to be Jordanians.

Initially, Jordan gave migrant workers until May 4 to apply to leave its territory, saying that all fines and fees for the workers, including those in Jordan illegally, would be waived. That deadline has now been extended until Saturday.

There are approximately 800,000 migrant workers in Jordan and most of them come from Egypt. They are concentrated in the agricultural, construction, and catering sectors.

There are , as coronavirus has severely restricted international travel and made it dangerous.

Even before the coronavirus crisis, Jordan was taking steps to limit the presence of migrant workers in the economy. Ahmed Awad, the head of Jordan Labour Watch, which monitors working conditions in the country, told °®Âþµº’s Arabic-language service that and would now “definitely increase” and that “all necessary measures would have to be taken to provide job opportunities”.

He said that many Jordanians who previously worked in other countries, particularly the Gulf states, would be returning home after losing their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic, and that this would add to the numbers of unemployed.

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