
Israeli troops shoot dead Palestinian after alleged stabbing attack

Israeli troops shoot dead Palestinian after alleged stabbing attack
Shortly after Zahran died, the Hamas movement published a martyr poster mourning his death
1 min read
20 August, 2017
Clashes broke out around Nablus over the weekend [AFP]
Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian after he allegedly stabbed an Israeli police officer at a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank on Saturday.

The Palestinian was identified as 17-year-old Qutaiba Zahran, who died at the scene shortly after being shot.

Israeli medical authorities say Zahran stabbed an Israeli officer at the Tapuah Junction near Nablus City, wounding him slightly in the leg. The Israeli policeman was evacuated to hospital.

Shortly after Zahran died, Hamas published a martyr poster mourning his death.

More than 294 Palestinians or Palestinian citizens of Israel have been killd since unrest broke out in October 2015. Another 47 Israelis have died in the violence.