
Israeli troops kill student in tragic traffic app chaos

Israeli troops kill student in tragic traffic app chaos
A Palestinian journalism student has died amid clashes as Israeli forces stormed Qalandia refugee camp in the northern West Bank.
1 min read
01 March, 2016
Iyad was a journalism student at al-Quds university [twitter]
A malfunctioning traffic app has been blamed for sparking an Israeli military operation that left one Palestinian dead and dozens wounded in Qalandia refugee camp on Monday night.

Hundreds of Israeli troops stormed the camp, as military helicopters hovered overhead - all, reportedly, in a bid to rescue a group of undercover Israeli officers who were thought to be held by Palestinians in the camp. 

During the clashes, which lasted around an hour, a vehicle supposedly being used by undercover Israelis was torched - but its occupants appear to have ended up in the camp by mistake, due to a misdirection on a traffic app.

"Waze is an excellent tool, but it can have its limits," Israeli military spokesman General Moti Almoz told army radio. "We are going to investigate what happened."

The deceased Palestinian was named as 22-year-old Iyad Omar Sajadiyya, a journalism student at al-Quds University in Abu Dis who was shot in the head.

Israeli sources say 15 Palestinians were injured, while workers in the emergency room at the Palestine Medical Complex said they had dealt with more than 30 who were injured during the clashes.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said that their crew was at first prevented from entering the area to treat the injured.
