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Israeli settlers vandalise Palestinian cars in Nablus

Israeli settlers attack and vandalise Palestinian cars in Nablus
1 min read
30 September, 2022
Israeli settlers, backed by occupying soldiers, vandalised Palestinian-owned cars near the occupied city of Nablus and attacked Palestinians who tried to confront them
Palestinian residents in the city face systematic discrimination [Getty]

settlers attacked cars on the road linking the two occupied West Bank cities of Nablus and Jenin.

The settlers stormed an entrance to the village of  on Thursday night, throwing stones at Palestinian-owned vehicles and breaking windows, according to Palestinian Authority's news agency Wafa.

The settlers were backed by Israeli soldiers who fired tear gas bombs and live bullets at Palestinians who confronted the attackers.

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Israel has occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and has built settlements across the area in violation of international law.

Around 700,000 Jewish settlers now live there. The Palestinians want a future state with East Jerusalem as its capital and see the settlements as the biggest obstacle to peace. Most countries consider the settlements to be illegal.

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