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Israel razes Palestinian Bedouin village for '192nd' time

Israel razes Palestinian Bedouin village for '192nd' time, activist says
1 min read
03 September, 2021
Residents of Al-Araqib are committed to reconstructing their homes, a local activist told media.
Al-Araqib has now been destroyed on nearly 200 occasions [Getty]

Israel has demolished a  village for the 192nd time in just over a decade, a local activist has told media.

located in the , close to , was razed this latest time on Thursday, Aziz Al-Touri, member of the Committee for the Defence of Al-Aqarib told Anadolu Agency.

Israeli security stopped Palestinians from going into the area to observe what happened, Al-Touri said.

Locals are committed to reconstructing the village, he added.

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There were 22 families living in Al-Araqib, in houses made from materials including plastic and wood.

Israel initially demolished homes at the site over a decade ago, in 2010.

Tel Aviv alleges the area is "state land".

However, according to Israeli non-profit Zochrot, which focuses on the legacy of the Nakba, construction in the area initially occurred under the Ottoman Empire and locals bought the grounds.

Israel has routinely dispossessed , who often face expulsion and home demolition.