
Israel meets representatives from YouTube and Google

Deputy Israeli foreign minister met representatives from Google and YouTube Monday to coordinate in the fight against the spread of materials that 'incite terrorism', reported Israeli media.
1 min read
24 November, 2015
Israel said a video of injured Ahmed Manasra encouraged attacks against Israelis [AFP]
Deputy Israeli foreign minister met officials from YouTube and Google on Monday to look at ways to work together in the fight against inciting violence and terrorism, said Israeli news site Maariv.

Tzipi Hotabala agreed to work alongside Google and YouTube, to prevent the circulation of "materials that encourage violence and terrorism".

In October, YouTube shut down a Palestinian Hamas YouTube channel, following a request by Israel's ministry of foreign affairs to remove videos encouraging violence against Israelis.

Since the latest escalation of violence which erupted at the beginning of October, many people have been sharing videos depicting Israeli aggression towards Palestinians to highlight the Palestinian perspective of the conflict.

One viral video, depicting 13-year old Palestinian Ahmed Manasra lying injured as Israeli settlers yelled abuse, was temporarily taken down by facebook for containing offensive material.