
Israel foils 'multiple Iranian attacks' on Israelis in Africa

Israel foils 'multiple Iranian attacks' on Israelis in Africa
The Mossad has foiled alleged Iranian attacks against Israeli businessmen and tourists in Tanzania, Senegal and Ghana, Israeli media reported.
2 min read
08 November, 2021
Israel accused Iran of the attack [Getty]

Mossad has allegedlyÌýfoiled multipleÌý attacks againstand businessmen in at least three African countries, local media reported on Sunday.

The targets of the alleged attacks were Israelis visiting Tanzania, Senegal and Ghana who were attacked by five suspects, all of which had African passports and have been arrested, according to Israel's Channel 12.

The report comes over a month after Iran lashed out at "baseless" claims by Israel that Tehran had plotted against Israelis in Cyprus.

Late in September, Israel accused Iran of plotting "terror" attacks against Israeli businesspeople in Cyprus, but dismissed reports that Israeli-Cypriot billionaire Teddy Sagi was targeted for assassination.

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Cypriot news outlet Philenews reported last week that an Azeri national was arrested in Nicosia after police found a pistol with a silencer in his car.

The man was suspected to have been an assassin targeting "Israelis with business activity in Cyprus", according to the report.

Iranian efforts against Israel spiked July 2020 when Iran accused the Mossad of sabotaging its nuclear facilities, which reoccured earlier this year in April and June.

In November 2020, after the Islamic Republic’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated in a Mossad operation.

Iran insists its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes only.
