Israeli forces arrest two Palestinian gunmen after hours-long battle, two Israeli settlers injured in Nablus

Israeli forces arrest two Palestinian gunmen after hours-long battle, two Israeli settlers injured in Nablus
After two Israeli settlers were injured while attempting to reach the "Josphef's Tomb" in Nablus, Israeli forces launched a large raid into the village of Raujib, on the outskirts of the city.
4 min read
West Bank
30 August, 2022
Israeli forces fired ground missiles at the building where the two men were entrenched before their arrest. [Getty]

Around 30 Palestinians were wounded between Monday night and Tuesday morning during , while two Israeli settlers were injured.
Late Monday night, two Israeli settlers were injured by Palestinian gunmen while they . Israeli army forces soon arrived and evacuated them.
Later  Tuesday morning, Israeli forces raided the village of Raujib, near Nablus city, injuring 25 Palestinians, including three with live ammunition, and arrested two.

"Israeli settlers and after informing Palestinian authorities," Ameen Abu Wardeh, resident of eastern Nablus, told .
"This time there were only two settlers and they were ambushed by Palestinian gunmen," he said. "They were first injured, then left their car and hid nearby, while Palestinian youth set the car on fire."
", shooting at Palestinians and wounding four with live fire," Abu Wardeh added.

 In Raujib, a few kilometres southeast of Nablus, a few hours after the incident in Nablus city.
"Shortly after morning prayer, Israeli armoured vehicles entered the village and headed directly to a specific house," Hani Rawajbeh, mayor of Raujib, told .
"Israeli troops sealed off a one-kilometre parameter area around the house and then began to ," described Rawajbeh.
"Israeli soldiers  until the father of one of the young men called on them through a loudspeaker to give themselves in, and so they did," the mayor added.
The two men are Nabil Sawallhi and Nihad Aweis, both from the Balata refugee camp in Nablus city, whom Israeli forces accuse of having shot at an Israeli military vehicle on Friday.
"After the men were detained, Israeli soldiers  then withdrew from the village," the mayor said. "Life is completely paralysed in Raujib for the rest of the day, including schools and businesses."

According to the  claim that the two men opened fire at Israeli forces who sought to arrest them. According to Israeli reports, the gunfight lasted several hours, a settlement guard car was damaged, and no injuries.
The Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) said in a statement that Sawalhi and Aweis are members of its "Nablus brigade" and that they surrendered after running out of ammunition.
The escalation in Nablus comes only a day after after an hour and a half long gunfight. The PIJ also identified the arrested gunman as its member.

Israeli forces have escalated their raids in the northern West Bank following the Gilboa prison break, where Palestinian armed militancy against Israeli forces has also increased.
Earlier in August, , led to a four-day escalation between Israel and the PIJ armed wing in the Gaza Strip, .