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Iran to send delegation to Saudi Arabia for embassy reopening

Iran to send delegation to Saudi Arabia for embassy reopening: ISNA
1 min read
A Saudi delegation also visited Tehran on Saturday to discuss reopening Riyadh's diplomatic missions.
Iran is preparing for the reopening of its embassy in Riyadh [Getty/archive]

An Iranian technical delegation will visit Saudi Arabia this week to prepare for the reopening of Iran's embassy in Riyadh, the semi-official ISNA news agency reported on Sunday.

The announcement comes days after the foreign ministers of Iran and Saudi Arabia met in Beijing on Thursday for the first formal gathering of their top diplomats in more than seven years, after China brokered a deal to restore relations between the top regional powers.

"The Iranian technical delegation will visit Tehran's embassy in Riyadh and make arrangements for the reopening of Iran's embassy in Saudi Arabia," ISNA reported.

The Saudi foreign ministry had said on Saturday that officials had visited Iran to discuss procedures for reopening Riyadh's diplomatic missions in the country.

"The Saudi delegation visited the Saudi embassy in Tehran this morning," ISNA added.
