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Iran says it detained 28 'IS terrorists' in Tehran bomb plot

Iran says it defused 30 bombs in Tehran, detains 28 'IS terrorists'
1 min read
24 September, 2023
Iran claims it defused as many as 30 bombs around Tehran set as part of an IS terror plot against the Islamic Republic.
The alleged Islamic State group plot involved setting off 30 bombs across Tehran simultaneously [Getty]

Authorities in Iran have neutralised 30 bombs meant to go off simultaneously in Tehran and detained 28 terrorists linked to the Islamic State group (IS), Iran's Tasnim news agency reported on Sunday, citing the intelligence ministry.

"Some of the members are of Islamic State (IS) and the perpetrators have a history of being affiliated with Takfiri groups in Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Kurdistan region of Iraq," Iran's intelligence ministry claimed in a statement.

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The militant group has claimed several attacks in Iran, including deadly twin bombings in 2017 that targeted Iran's parliament and the tomb of the Islamic Republic's founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

More recently, IS claimed responsibility for an attack on a Shia shrine last October, where 15 people were killed in the southwestern city of Shiraz. 
