Hezbollah animated infomercial advises Israeli settlers on 'how to leave'

The short infomercial gave a step-by-step guide to Israeli settlers on how to leave the occupied Palestinian territories.
2 min read
25 May, 2021
Jewish Israeli settlers move into house in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem. [Anadolu Agency/Getty]

The Lebanese Islamist paramilitary group has published a comedy infomercial advising Israeli settlers on how to leave , according to media reports.

The mock ad, shared on Twitter by some of the group's supporters, claims to be produced by " Hijra (Emigration) Agency", in reference to the East Jerusalem neighbourhood that saw Israeli authorities seeking to uproot several Palestinian families from their homes.

Hezbollah tells Israeli settlers to pack their bags and head for a destination of their choice, in a mock step-by-step guide, Israeli media reported.

It also advises them to learn the local language, hinting that some settlers in East Jerusalem are recent emigrants to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories themselves.

It is not clear if Hezbollah - which does not recognise the state of Israel - was referring to Israeli settlers in the occupied Palestinian West Bank or all Jewish Israeli citizens.

The English-language video with Arabic subtitles comes as part of the ongoing psychological warfare between Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah, which several countries - including the US and UK - consider to be a terrorist organisation.

Israel and Hezbollah fought a war in 2006, while skirmishes have happened since then along the Lebanon-Israel border.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah is expected to speak Tuesday on the 21st anniversary of the withdrawal of the Israeli army from south Lebanon, which it occupied since 1982 during the Lebanese civil war.