
Hasm anti-government militants killed in shootout with Egypt police

Hasm anti-government militants killed in shootout with Egypt police
Two Hasm militants were killed in a shootout with security forces outside Cairo on Saturday, the interior ministry said.
2 min read
09 July, 2017
Over 20 soldiers were killed in a Sinai attack on Friday [AFP]

Two members of the Hasm militant group have been killed in a shootout with police forces outside Cairo, the interior ministry said on Saturday.

The militants, aged 28 and 22, were killed after firing their weapons at the police officers while they were being apprehended on the Dahshour 6th October Road, according to the ministry's statement.

The police claims that they were searching the area upon receiving intelligence that an imminent attack was being planned.

The shootout came shortly after Hasm claimed responsibility for the assassination of a National Security officer.

"The Hasm assassination squad has carried out a field execution of the criminal captain Ibrahim Azazi as he left his house in Qalyubia... One bullet in his black hear and three in the head," the group said.

Ibrahim Azazi was killed in a drive-by shooting on Friday as he left his home in the Qalubiya governorate north of Cairo.

Last month, Hasm claimed responsibility for an attack that killed two police officers and injured three conscripts in Cairo.

The unidentified assailants planted an explosive device in the upscale Cairo suburb of Maadi, detonating it remotely when the police vehicle drove by, the group said in a statement.

It vowed more attacks in the coming months.

Egypt has been facing a deadly Islamist insurgency that has killed hundreds of policemen and soldiers since the army overthrew President Mohamed Morsi in 2013 and crackdown on his supporters.

In February, an Egyptian court declared Hasm a terrorist organisation, alleging it was linked to the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group.

Little is known about the movement but analysts distinguish them with militant jihadi organisations such as the Islamic State group which has a presence in the Sinai.

All of the Hasm's attacks have been on military and security targets, while it has been portrayed as a more national-focused anti-government movement although many suspect it is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

On Saturday, security forces killed 14 alleged members of the Islamic State group, only a day after more than 20 soldiers were killed in an attack in the Sinai Peninsula, one of deadliest against the military in years.
