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Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital under siege, trapping thousands

Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital under siege, trapping thousands inside
17 min read
11 November, 2023
The besiegement of the Al-Shifa hospital comes as Israel continues it's relentless bombing of the Gaza Strip which has killed 11,078 people according to Gaza's health ministry.

Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City has been completely cut off from the rest of Gaza City, according to hospital director Muhammad Abu Salmiya, reportedly trapping 15,000 people who are either patients needing treatment or sought shelter in the hospital grounds.

He added that "patients are dying by the minute, victims and wounded are also dying, even babies in incubators," in comments to Al Jazeera

According to Haaretz, the Israeli military told the Al-Shifa hospital that it was now considered a military zone and told the hospital to evacuate.

The deteriorating situation around Al-Shifa comes as the Israeli army continues to push further into Gaza City, reaching the Al-Shati refugee camp north of where the Al-Shifa hospital is located. 

International pressure has continued to mount over Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip which has killed 11,078, including 4,506 children and 3,027 women, according to Gaza's health ministry.

Speaking with the BBC, French President Emmanuel Macron stated that Israel must stop its bombing campaign in Gaza, saying "These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed. So there is no reason for that and no legitimacy. So we urge Israel to stop."

Iran's president Raisi also criticised Israel's campaign, telling reporters from Tehran airport that "Gaza is not an arena for words. It should be for action." 

He is due to arrive in Saudi Arabia for the Arab League and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation summit in Riyadh.