
Food now a weapon of war in Yemen: WFP

Food now a weapon of war in Yemen: WFP
Food is being used as a weapon of war in Yemen, the UN's World Food Programme claimed, with struggles to secure basic supplies amid blockades on ports.
2 min read
30 October, 2017
The Saudi-led coalition has been blacklisted for 'killing' Yemeni children [AFP]

Food is now a "weapon of war" in Yemen, the UN's World Food Programme has said, as millions face an impending famine.

Long the most impoverished country in the Arab world, the conflict in Yemen has also left seven million people at risk of famine and an estimated 17 million - 60 percent of the overall population - food insecure.

"Yemen is on the brink of famine. Cholera is compounding a dramatic food crisis. Food is being used as a weapon of war," WFP assistant executive director Elisabeth Rasmussen said at a conference on aid to Yemen hosted by Saudi Arabia.

The kingdom, leading a coalition of Arab states, entered Yemen's conflict in March 2015 to prop up the government of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi against the Houthis.

The Yemen war has killed more than 10,000 people since 2015, including many civilians, according to the United Nations.

Another 2,100 people have died of cholera since April as hospitals struggle to secure basic supplies amid blockades on ports and the country's main international airport.

People in positions of authority in Sanaa regularly deny access to humanitarian agencies and have arbitrarily delayed or denied dozens of requests for humanitarian personnel to enter the country.

All sides in the conflict stand accused of failing to protect civilians in what the UN has called the "largest humanitarian crisis in the world".

The Saudi-led coalition, which controls Yemen's airspace and some ports, was this month added to a UN blacklist for the "killing and maiming of children".

While the roads inside the Yemeni capital are controlled by the Houthis and former president Saleh, travel to Sanaa airport is under the control of the coalition and limited to a select few aid flights.

Aid groups have warned that the closure of Sanaa international airport is hampering the delivery of desperately needed supplies, which now have to go through the Red Sea port of Hodeida.  

"All parties to the conflict must provide safe, rapid, unhindered and sustained humanitarian access to people in need, through all ports and airports, in particular through Hodeida port and Sanaa airport as well as by road," said Mark Lowcock, UN under-secretary general for humanitarian affairs.

"People in positions of authority in Sanaa regularly deny access to humanitarian agencies and have arbitrarily delayed or denied dozens of requests for humanitarian personnel to enter the country," Lowcock added.
