
Egypt's media regulator introduces age ratings amid concerns over fate of popular puppet show

Egypt's media regulator introduces age ratings amid concerns over fate of popular puppet show
Egypt’s media regulator launched last week the 'Egyptian Child Behaviour Code', which raised concerns over a popular show for adults presented by puppets making sexual innuendos.
2 min read
29 November, 2021
Concerns are raised over the fate of the popular show presented by puppets

CAIRO: Egypt's Supreme  of Media Regulation has banned TV content that includes "obscene scenes" with concerns over the fate of a popular adult show presented by puppets due to the order, according to local media reports.

The media regulator organised a joint two-day workshop earlier this week with the United Nations Children's Fund () when the 'Egyptian Child Behaviour ' was launched, concerning content on children's TV, the reports said.

It was decided that films and shows would be labelled according to the suitable age group, with adult-themed content - including cults, exorcism, and paranormal activities - to be only broadcast later in the evening.

The famous TV  "Abla Fahita: Live from the Duplex" - which includes political and social satire, and hosting celebrities - was discussed during the workshop, with some objections about the sexual innuendoes made by the puppets.

The show is presented by Abla Fahita, her son, and daughter, and is reportedly watched by children in Egypt despite a warning broadcast before each episode saying it is suitable for adults only.

The show has become hugely popular across the Arab World and broadcasts on the ON satellite TV channel every week.   

Netflix produced a  starring Abla Fahita and her kids entitled 'Abla Fahita: Drama Queen'.

Egypt's media council is known for allegedly being controlled by the  and the government, although the council presents itself as an independent entity that monitors media performance in Egypt.
