
Egyptian TV host under investigation over controversial hijab comments

Egyptian TV host under investigation over controversial hijab comments
Radwa El-Sherbiny is being investigated after she said women who wear the hijab at a time of scrutiny are brave.
2 min read
14 September, 2020
Radwa El-Sherbini is being investigated [Getty]
TV presenter Radwa El-Sherbiny is being investigated after upholding the bravery of who wear when faced with pressure to remove it.

El-Sherbiny, who went viral for a video encouraging women to block what she calls time-wasting men on all social media, was addressing attitudes surrounding the Islamic veil.

"To every woman who is the only veiled one among her group of friends or in her family, or on the street or in her home or her workplace; never take off your hijab, never take off your hijab! You are 100,000 times better than me and the women who do not wear hijab," she said.

"The devil inside [women who do not wear the hijab] is more powerful than their faith and strength," she added in her words of support.

El-Sherbiny, whose show 'Heya w Bas' [Only Her] deals with women's affairs, is famous for encouraging self-love, feminist values and encouraging women to unapologetically live their truth.

Egypt's Supreme Council for Media Regulation announced it was investigating El-Sherbiny after receiving complaints from viewers, claiming she was shaming women who do not wear hijab, despite choosing to not wear one herself.

The channel removed the clip but it has since resurfaced on social media under the hashtag #SupportRadwa.

"Wearing a hijab in Egypt is hard these days, Radwa was only supporting hijabis and she didn't do anything wrong!" one Egyptian Twitter user .

El-Sherbiny's comments come in the context of hijab-clad women being targets of classist remarks, which look down on them for not "modernising" fast enough by removing their hijabs.

El-Sherbiny has since then apologised for her comments.

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