
Egypt kill three suspected militants during shootout

Egypt kill three suspected militants during shootout
Egyptian security forces arrested ten and killed three suspected militants in a gunfire exchange close to Cairo.
2 min read
31 December, 2017
Hasm has claimed a number of attacks on security forces last year [Getty]

Three suspected militants were killed by Egyptian security forces following an exchange of gunfire at a farm believed to be a militant hideout on the outskirts of Giza.

"The three killed were some of the leading figures that supervise the manufacturing of explosives and the carrying out of terrorist operations," a statement issued by the interior ministry read.

Ten were arrested by security forces in the provinces of Qalyoubia, north of the capital, and Fayoum. Explosive devices, automatic weapons and others were confiscated.

The statement added that the raids were part of efforts by the authorities to preempt attacks by militant groups ahead of Christmas and New Year celebrations, and to clamp down on members of the Hasm group.

Hasm, accused by Egypt of being a militant wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, has claimed a number of attacks on security forces last year, including the fatal shooting of a policeman. The Muslim Brotherhood - outlawed in 2013 after the Egyptian military ousted elected president Morsi - denies these accusations.

Egypt has been battling a growing militant insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula since the overthrow of the former president.

An IS affiliate in Egypt has killed dozens of Christians in church bombings and shootings during the past year, and has threatened further attacks against the minority.

Last month, militants in northern Sinai killed 305 people in the deadliest assault by militants in Egypt's modern history, at a mosque near al-Arish.
