
Deadly airstrike rocks besieged Damascus suburb

Deadly airstrike rocks besieged Damascus suburb
In the last week rebel forces have launched a new offensive on the Syrian capital from east Ghouta. In response regime forces have upped airstrikes, with civilian death tolls rising.
2 min read
25 March, 2017
East Ghouta is regularly targeted by regime airstrikes and artillery fire [Archive/Getty]
At least 16 people have been killed, and dozens more injured, in an airstrike on a rebel-held suburb, outside the Syrian capital, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Saturday. 

The airstrike took place on the town of Hammuriyeh, in east Ghouta, said the UK-based monitor, adding that it was not immediately clear who was responsible for the attack. 

The east Ghouta region has been under a regime-imposed siege since 2012, is routinely targeted by airstrikes and artillery fire, and has also been subjected to attacks involving chemical weapons

Earlier on Saturday the Observatory reported that another 16 people – including both prisoners and prison guards – were killed in an overnight airstrike that hit a prison in Idlib city.

Despite a December ceasefire deal brokered by Turkey, which backs rebels fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and regime ally Russia, violence continues unabated on many fronts across Syria. 

In the past week rebel forces have launched a new offensive targeting the Syrian capital involving both fighters from Tahrir al-Sham – an opposition faction dominated by former al-Qaeda affiliate Fatah al-Sham – and the FSA. 

Earlier this week rebels reached the outskirts of Damascus' old city. Fighters involved in the offensive have launched raids from the east Ghouta rebel-stronghold of Jobar. In response the Syrian regime has stepped up air raids and artillery fire targeting the besieged area. 
