
China values UN relationship despite Uyghur human rights criticism

China values UN relationship despite Uyghur human rights criticism
China looks to the UN, where it can count on support from countries it has befriended and in many cases assisted financially, as a counterweight to US-led blocs such as the Group of Seven, which have grown increasingly hostile toward Beijing.
6 min read
18 September, 2022
The annual UN General Assembly session is ongoing in New York [Liao Pan/China News Service/Getty-file photo]

As world leaders gather in New York at the annual , rising superpower is also focusing on another United Nations body that is meeting across the Atlantic Ocean in Geneva.

diplomats are speaking out and lobbying others at an ongoing session of the Human Rights Council to thwart a possible call for further scrutiny of what it claims isÌýits anti-extremism campaign in Xinjiang.

It followsÌýa United Nations report detailing a string ofÌýabuses,Ìýincluding torture and forced labour,Ìýagainst Uyghurs and other largely Muslim ethnic groups in the western China border region.

The concurrent meetings illustrate China's divided approach to the United Nations and its growing global influence.

Beijing looks to the UN, where it can count on support from countries it has befriended and in many cases assisted financially, as a counterweight to US-led blocs such as the Group of Seven, which have grown increasingly hostile toward China.

"China sees the UNÌýas an important forum that it can use to further its strategic interests and goals, and to reform the global order,"Ìýsaid Helena Legarda from the Mercator Institute for China Studies in Berlin.

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While holding up the United Nations as a model of multilateralism, China rejects criticism or decisions that the ruling Communist Party sees as counter to its interests.

Its diplomats struck back at the report published last month by the UNÌýhuman rights office raising concerns about possible "crimes against humanity"Ìýin Xinjiang –Ìývowing to suspend cooperation with the office and blasting what it described as a Western plot to undermine China's rise.

China had pushed hard to block the report on Xinjiang, delaying its release for more than a year.

In the end, the information did come out –Ìýbut just minutes before embattled UNÌýhuman rights chief Michelle Bachelet left office.

Like the United States, China feels a certain freedom to ignore UNÌýinstitutions when it wants: the Trump administration pulled the USÌýout of the Human Rights Council in 2018, claiming it had anÌýanti-Israel bias.

The Biden administration jumped back in this year, and has made a priority of defending Israel in the 47-member-state body.

Also like the United States, China leverages its influence to get its way –Ìýeffectively stymieing an investigation by the UN's World Health Organization into whether China was the birthplace of the coronavirus pandemic.

Ken Roth, the former executive director of Human Rights Watch, said Chinese President Xi Jinping is trying to redefine what human rights are, in part by casting economic development as a key criterion.

China, Roth said, "more than any government in the past, is trying to undermine the UNÌýhuman rights system"Ìý–Ìýby pressuring UNÌýofficials, retaliating against witnesses and trying to bribe governments.

"One of their top priorities right now –Ìýmaybe after Taiwan –Ìýis to avoid condemnation by the Human Rights Council,"ÌýRoth said.

The self-governing island of Taiwan is claimed by China as its sovereign territory, an issue that the Beijing government is vociferous about internationally.

Shi Yinhong, an international relations expert at Renmin University in China, said advocating for the UN's role in maintaining the international order doesn't mean that China agrees with every UNÌýbody, citing the Covid-19 origins study and the recent Xinjiang report.

"When the UN high commissioner for human rights issues such a report, in the eyes of China, it is the same as all organisations in the world, no matter official or private, that defames China,"ÌýShi said.

But China doesn't want its pique toward the rights office, which falls under UNÌýSecretary-General António Guterres, to spill over to its deepening relationship with other parts of the world body that deal with refugees, climate, the internet, satellites, world hunger, atomic weapons, energy and much more.

China wields power as one of the five veto-holding members of the Security Council, helping it build relationships with the United States and others who needed China's support for past resolutions on Iran and North Korea.

That influence has diminished somewhat with the overall deterioration of US-China ties, Shi said.

Subsequently, both China and Russia vetoed a US-backed resolution in May to impose new sanctions on North Korea.

Under Xi, who came to power 10 years ago, China has expanded its UNÌýinvolvement from primarily international development early on to political, peace and security issues, Legarda said.

She noted how China has had its concepts and language worked into UNÌýresolutions and used the UNÌýsystem to promote a "Global Development Initiative"Ìýproposed by Xi in a video address to last year's General Assembly.

"This is a reflection of China's more assertive and ambitious foreign policy under Xi,"ÌýLegarda said.

China has stepped into a diplomatic void created by a lack of USÌýleadership, said Daniel Warner, a Geneva-based political analyst.

Former President Donald Trump shunned many international institutions, Warner said, and successor Joe Biden has been preoccupied with domestic issues.

Chinese hold the top jobs at three of the UN's 18 specialised agencies: the Food and Agricultural Organization, the Industrial Development Organization and the International Telecommunications Union, where the United States has put up a candidate to succeed outgoing chief Houlin Zhao.

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A Chinese official headed the International Civil Aviation Organization until last year.

For China, it's a matter of prestige as well as influence, Warner said.

"The United States and the Western countries were very much involved in the initial United Nations,"Ìýhe said.

"China doesn’t want to have that kind of leadership. They’re not talking about liberal values, but they want to make sure that their interests are defended in the UN system."

Chinese diplomats spearheaded a joint statement –Ìýwhich it said was backed by 30 countries including Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela –Ìýthat blasted "disinformation"Ìýbehind the UNÌýreport on Xinjiang and the "erroneous conclusions"Ìýdrawn in it.

And China's ambassador in Geneva said Beijing could no longer cooperate with the human rights office –Ìýwithout specifying how.

Sarah Brooks, a expert at the International Society for Human Rights advocacy group in Geneva, said China could hold up its funding for the office –Ìýwhich lately has come in at $800,000 a year, far less than Western countries that give tens of millions.

Still, Brooks said it would be a "huge blow"Ìýif funding from China were to stop, in part because many countries appreciate and support the causes that Beijing helps pay for.

"The optics of it are really damaging,"Ìýshe said.

"You have a country that says, 'Hi, I want to be responsible, but I’m so thin-skinned…ÌýI'm still going to lash out at the organisation that drafted it.'"
