
Campaign for Rouhani's trial gains momentum in Iran

Campaign for Rouhani's trial gains momentum in Iran
More politicians and citizens in Iran are calling for the trial of the former president, accused of being involved in a number of corruption charges.
1 min read
05 September, 2021
'Rouhani Trial' has gone viral on the internet [Getty]

Calls for former Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to be tried over a number of allegations are gaining momentum in .

The campaign against the two-time president began after his government banned a television spy thriller series, which portrayed top government officials in the country as corrupt, angering .

People have been using the hashtag  on Twitter – accessed via VPN for most social media apps – for his alleged financial, security and political corruption and cover up of wrongdoings in government.

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – who made bombshell allegations this year on a number of internal issues – has also joined the campaign against Rouhani, calling on the judiciary to prosecute him and his cabinet ministers.

The Iranian parliament, held by a conservative majority, filed complaints against the former head of state back in April.

An Iranian lawmaker had accused Rouhani last year of ordering the transfer of more than $30 billion through smugglers into Iraq’s northern Kurdistan region in 2017.

He claimed that he also sent 80 tons of gold to the Iraqi Kurdish city of Sulaymaniyah.

Rouhani, considered a moderate, was succeeded by hardliner in August this year.
