
Biden set to scrap America's 'Muslim ban' on 'day one' of presidency

Biden set to scrap America's 'Muslim ban' on 'day one' of presidency
US president-elect Joe Biden intends to lift Trump's controversial 'Muslim ban' when he takes office in January.
2 min read
08 November, 2020
America's muslims are eager to see the ban lifted under Biden's administration [Getty]
are expecting to to rescind Donald Trump's controversial travel ban, which affects travellers from 13 Muslim-majority or African countries, on his first day as president.

Trump, famous for his inflammatory rhetoric against Muslims, imposed the in 2017 shortly after taking office, barring seven muslim-majority country nationals from entry to the US.

While running for office in July, Biden pledged to rescind the restrictions, referred to by critics as the 'Muslim ban'.

"Muslim communities are the first to feel Donald Trump's assault on Black and brown communities in this country, with his vile Muslim ban," Biden has said.

"That fight was the opening barrage in what has been nearly four years of constant pressure and insults… If I have the honor of being president, I will end the Muslim ban on day one," he said at the time.

Now that Biden has won the presidential race, Muslim-American communities are eager to see the ban lifted, The Washington Post .

After media outlets announced the win, the US's largest Muslim civil rights group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), congratulated Biden in a on Saturday and said it would hold him to his election promises.

"CAIR congratulates President-Elect Joe Biden on his electoral victory, and for building an inclusive election campaign focused on the unity of our nation," CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said.

"President-elect Biden has pledged to end the Muslim Ban on his first day in office, include Muslims at every level of his administration and address issues of racial and religious discrimination," he added.

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"We plan to join other American Muslim leaders and organizations in ensuring that the Biden administration fulfills these promises."

Nearly 3.45 Muslims make up about 1.1 percent of American population, according to the , while two-thirds of the community are immigrants.

The ban seperated thousands of families and sparked nationwide protests.

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