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Ben-Gvir calls for Palestinian Al-Aqsa ban during Ramadan

Israeli far-right minister Ben-Gvir calls for ban on Palestinian Muslims visiting Al-Aqsa during Ramadan
2 min read
17 February, 2024
The extremist politician has advocated imposing further restrictions on Palestinian Muslims visiting the holy site.
Israeli far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir is reportedly banning Palestinian worshippers from entering al-Aqsa this Ramadan [Getty]

Israeli far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir called on Saturday for a ban on Palestinian Muslims visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque during the upcoming month of Ramadan

According to Israeli broadcaster Channel 12, Ben-Gvir is also pushing to ban Palestinian citizens of Israel below the age of 70 from entering the site, claiming such age restrictions are necessary for "security reasons". 

However, the channel reported that Israeli police forces disagree with the extreme-right minister and support the entrance of Palestinian citizens over 45 to the Al-Aqsa complex.

Meanwhile, the Shin Bet, Israel’s Internal Security Service, believe there should not be any limitations for Palestinians to visit the holy site.  

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to meet with the controversial politician on Sunday, alongside the Israeli war cabinet, regarding his latest position.  

Israeli news publication The Times of Israel reports that the Biden administration has shared its concerns with the Israeli government over Ben-Gvir's incendiary proposal. 

According to the officials, the US said the minister may ignite tensions at Al-Aqsa during the month of Ramadan, which is set to begin approximately on March 10. 

Additionally, it may instigate the central issue surrounding Jerusalem amid rising hostilities in the Middle East. 

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In previous years, Palestinians have undergone bouts of violence in the occupied territories triggered by Israeli settler groups assaulting worshippers going to pray at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. 

Argentinian far-right president Javier Milei’s visit to Israel had also garnered backlash for further enflaming tensions in the region. 

Pro-Palestine campaigners accused Milei of calling for the rebuilding of the 'Second Temple' in Jerusalem, which is also aligned to the key demand of far-right Israeli extremists such as Ben-Gvir. 

Milei visited Israel last week, where he pledged to move the Argentine embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, despite Palestinians claiming the eastern sector as a capital for their future state. He also said that Argentina fully supports Israel's war on Gaza.