
Islamic State 'Beatle' member faces sentence in US court for hostage murders

Islamic State 'Beatle' member faces sentence in US court for hostage murders
British-born Alexanda Kotey, a member of the IS militant group nicknamed 'The Beatles', will will face a US judge in Alexandria, Virginia on Friday who is due to sentence him for murdering two journalists and two aid workers.
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The Islamic State 'Beatle' member Alexanda Kotey is to be faced at an Alexandria, Virgina court on Friday [Getty]

A member of an militant group nicknamed "The Beatles" that beheaded American hostages is due to face a USÌýjudge on Friday who will determine whether to subject him to a lifetime of near-solitary confinement.

USÌýDistrict Judge T.S. Ellis in Alexandria, Virginia, will hearing for London-born Alexanda Kotey, who to murdering USÌýjournalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and aid workers Kayla Mueller and Peter Kassig.

Hostages held by nicknamed them "The Beatles" for their British accents. The hearing is expected to include hours of emotional testimony from victims' family members.

The charges carry a mandatory life sentence, but Ellis will make a recommendation about Kotey's prison facility and whether he should be separated from other inmates in near-solitary confinement.

In a court filing, Kotey's lawyers urged Ellis to take into consideration Kotey's acceptance of guilt and his agreement to provide information to USÌýinvestigators.

US authorities have advised British officials that prosecutors will not seek the death penalty against .

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Kotey was a of the United Kingdom, but the British government withdrew his citizenship. His Islamic State cell took journalists and aid workers hostage, tortured them and circulated videotapes of gruesome beheadings on the internet.

Kotey admitted to inflicting torture on hostages, including waterboarding and electric shocks with a stun gun.

Another "Beatles" member, , faced trial last month. After four hours of deliberations, a federal jury in Virginia found Elsheikh guilty on charges including lethal hostage-taking and conspiracy to commit murder.

Ellis is scheduled to sentence Elsheikh in September.

A third member of , Mohammed Emwazi, died in a US-British missile strike in Syria in 2015.

