Arabic coffee renamed 'Saudi coffee' to boost national culture

Arabic coffee renamed 'Saudi coffee' to boost national culture
Saudi Arabia seeks to distinguish its coffee from the one prepared in other countries in the region, as part of a wider move to strengthen Saudi identity.
2 min read
01 February, 2022
Arabic coffee will be renamed in all coffee shops and restaurants in Saudi Arabia [Getty]

Arabic coffee sold in the will now be labelled "Saudi coffee", in a decision meant to mark the 's entry into a year-long celebration of local coffee culture, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Monday.

The year 2022 was designated the "Year of Saudi Coffee" by the Saudi Ministry of Culture in December, an initiative that aims to  and distinguish its taste and preparation methods from other regional coffees. 

Several events will be scheduled throughout the year in partnership with the private sector including restaurants, hotels, coffee shops, roasters and others.

"This is the year of Saudi coffee" the Culture Minister Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan tweeted under the Arabic hashtag "Year of Saudi Coffee 2022".

“The difference between Saudi coffee and the general coffee in the region is that Saudi coffee is a bit lighter in the way it looks and that pertains to the way it is prepared,” Lameen Abdul-Malik, a scientist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate with an interest in coffee, told the daily .

This focus on coffee is part of a wider push by Saudi Arabia to revisit the symbols and hallmarks of its culture and national identity in line with its "Vision 2030", a blueprint for economic and societal reform to be achieved by 2030. 

On Tuesday, the Saudi Shura Council - a legislative council which advises the king - a motion to amend the national symbols of Saudi Arabia, including the flag and national anthem.