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Arab protesters demand end to Israel's assault on Gaza

Arab protesters demand end to Israel's assault on Gaza
4 min read
Demonstrators gathered across the Arab and Muslim world protesting against Israel's brutal war on Gaza, which has been ongoing for almost two weeks.
Protests were held across the Muslim and Arab world on Friday voicing anger over Israel's war on Gaza [Getty]

Protesters from Jakarta to Tunis on Friday demanded an end to Israel's brutal bombardment of Gaza after nearly two weeks of intense air and artillery strikes that have killed more than 4,100 people.

Israel appears gearing up for a ground offensive in the tiny, crowded Palestinian enclave aimed at eradicating Hamas, in retaliation for the unprecedented attack the group carried out on October 7.

Israel's war has also gone on to injure over 13,000 people, and has displaced over 1 million residents of the densely-populated enclave. 

While a number of Western governments have voiced support for Israel's military campaign, many Muslim states have called for an immediate ceasefire, with people angry at the conditions in Gaza and expressing solidarity with Palestinians.

Protests suddenly erupted across much of the region late on Tuesday after close to 500 people were killed in a devastating strike on Gaza's Baptist Hospital, largely blamed on Israel. Tel Aviv has gone on to deny responsibility and has placed blame on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group.

In Jordan, which signed a peace deal with Israel in 1994, but where much of the population has Palestinian heritage, more than 6,000 protesters marched in the centre of the capital while thousands more rallied near the Israeli embassy.

Thousands of demonstrators also gathered in Turkey and Egypt, two  countries which also have full diplomatic relations with Israel, demanding an end to the bombing.

About 2,000 people gathered in front of Istanbul's Beyazit Mosque, burning an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and waving Palestinian flags. Some held placards reading: "Stop the genocide" and "Terrorist Israel".

In Cairo protesters broke through police lines into Tahrir Square, the site of daily protests during Egypt’s revolution 12 years ago, whilst shouting popular slogans in support of Palestine.

As well as Tahrir Square, demonstrations took place on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing with Gaza, with protesters attempting to open the currently closed gate.

Some demanded military action against Israel, others said Arab states should consider using other methods to stop the bombardment of Gaza. Egypt borders Gaza but has not been able to negotiate an opening of its crossing to allow in aid.

"Palestine is the only country that unites our voices. If the Gulf countries do not send aid, at least they should stop sending oil and gas. That's the least they should do," said protester Mohammed Gomaa in Cairo.

However, many of the popular protests across the region are continuations of protests that have been occurring throughout the week.

Earlier this week in Beirut and Amman pro-Palestinian protesters clashed with police who attempted to stop protesters from reaching the US embassy in Beirut, and Israeli embassy in Amman.

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In Morocco, where the government agreed in 2020 to normalise ties with Israel in return for US recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the territory of Western Sahara, Islamists and leftists said they would hold a sit-in later on Friday.

Hundreds of people marched in central Tunis, while others demonstrated in front of the US embassy.

"The real terrorism is Israel and America, which supports it," said Souhail Ben Nasser, a protester in the Tunis crowd.

In southeast Asia hundreds of people gathered to protest near the US embassies in each of the Indonesian and Malaysian capitals, burning Israeli flags and stamping on pictures of Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden.

"Today we gather here with the same intention to condemn the criminal act by Israel," said Qilla Marisa, a protester in Kuala Lumpur.

Muslims in India staged smaller protests in Jaipur and Mumbai, holding up placards reading "Free Palestine".

Protests also took place in the South Korean capital Seoul, where demonstrators shouted pro-Palestinian slogans.

Israel's biggest regional foe Iran, and allied groups around the region, also held state-sanctioned protests. In Iraq, protests were seen in Baghdad near the bridge leading to the fortified Green Zone where the US embassy is located.

Further protests are expected in European capitals tomorrow, including London which on 14 October had up to 150,000 supporters.


(Reuters and °®Âþµº Staff)

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