
Algerian prosecutors seek tougher jail term for pro-democracy activist

Algerian prosecutors seek tougher jail term for pro-democracy activist
Algerian prosecutors are seeking a tougher jail sentence for Amira Bouraoui, a prominent activist in the pro-democracy Hirak movement, at her trial on appeal.
2 min read
26 December, 2020
Amira Bouraoui's jail term could be extended to two years [Getty]

Algerian prosecutors have requested a tougher two-year jail sentence for prominent pro-democracy activist Amira Bouraoui during her trial on appeal, a prisoners' rights group said on Friday.

Bouraoui, a 44-year-old gynaecologist, is a prominent in that secured the resignation of in April last year.

She came to prominence in 2014 when she opposed Bouteflika running for a fourth term.

She was sentenced to a one-year jail term in June over a string of charges, including insulting the president and Islam.

Bouraoui was tried on appeal on Thursday night in a court in Tipaza, in the country's west, the CNLD prisoners' rights group said.

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Prosecutors are now seeking two years behind bars for the activist, the CNLD said in a statement Friday on its Facebook page.

A verdict is expected on December 31.

The CNLD says over 90 people, including activists, social media users and journalists, are currently in custody in connection with the country's anti-government protest movement or individual liberties -- mostly for dissenting social media posts.

Bouraoui was granted provisional release in July, along with several other opposition figures.

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