
Algeria hosts fresh attempt to bring peace to Libya

Algeria hosts fresh attempt to bring peace to Libya
The talks in the Algerian capital bring together 15 factions from Libya in an internationally-backed attempt to kickstart a peace process and end the civil war.
2 min read
11 March, 2015
This meeting will decide the way forward [AFP]

A fresh round of United Nations sponsored talks between Libyan factions have started on Tuesday in the Algerian capital Algiers to find a political solution to the current crisis in Libya.

The Algerian state radio had announced that "a meeting between Libyan political leaders and activists, with the support of Algeria and sponsored by the United Nations commenced in the Algerian capital, to find a political solution to the crisis in Libya."

The report also mentioned the meeting was headed by Algeria's deputy foreign minister in charge of Maghreb and African affairs, Abdelkader Messahel, with the participation of the UN special envoy to Libya, Bernardino Leon, adding that the talks would not be limited by a set timeframe.

The current round of talks will not be limited by a set timeframe.

The UN mission in Libya posted a tweet on its Twitter page saying: "Libyan political leaders and activists gather in the Algerian capital to support Libyan political talks," however it did not provide any details of the people talking part in the talks, their numbers or the issues that would be discussed.

According to the Algerian state broadcaster, during his opening remarks Messahel said: "Algeria shares a history and neighbourly relations with Libya and cannot idly stand by at a time when our Libyan brothers are experiencing this very dangerous situation that threatens the country and its unity."

The Algerian foreign minister, Ramtane Lamamra, had previously confirmed that: "Fifteen prominent political personalities, party leaders and figures in Libya have confirmed their participation in the negotiation meeting in Algeria."

In a statement to the Algerian news agency, Lamamra said: "approximately 15 prominent political leaders and well known party leaders on the Libyan scene will take part in the Algiers meeting, and the next stages will be decided in accordance with the results of this meeting."

The Islamist Justice and Construction party in Libya announced its willingness Monday to take part in the talks hosted by Algeria between the various factions in the Libyan crisis.

Libyan talks also took place in Morocco last Thursday between the UN special envoy to Libya, Bernardino Leon, the Libyan General National Congress based in Tripoli, and the Libyan parliament based in Tobruk.

This is an edited translation from our Arabic edition.
