
Airstrikes in Yemen leave at least 11 Houthis dead

Airstrikes in Yemen leave at least 11 Houthis dead
The Saudi-led coalition airstrikes targeted Houthi positions in Marib province.
1 min read
14 August, 2015
Local tribes in Marib have fought the Houthis' advance [Anadolu]
At least 11 Houthis are reported dead after Saudi-led coalition airstrikes targeted their positions in Marib province, to the east of Sanaa, on Friday.

The strike hit the Houthis in Makhdara and Mas Majzar, in the north and north-west of Marib, according to news reports.

Local Yemeni news website Mareb Press reported that the airstrikes had targeted gatherings of Houthi fighters and an arms dump.

Marib has been the sight of heavy fighting between the Houthis and allied forces loyal to ex-Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh on the one side, and local tribes opposed to them, who are backed by Saudi Arabia.

The Saudis and allied countries began their bombing campaign on March 26, after the Houthis deposed the now exiled president, Abd-Rabbo Mansour Hadi.