"Mosul had one of the best healthcare systems in Iraq. But the conflict took a staggering toll on health infrastructure, medical personnel and equipment," said Heman Nagarathnam, MSF Head of Mission in the country.
"There used to be more than 3,500 beds available in Mosul's hospitals. But nine hospitals were completely destroyed in the fighting and now there are less than 1,000 beds available. As a result, people in Mosul often struggle to access healthcare.
"Many war-wounded patients need follow-up care. They often received hasty surgery on or behind the frontlines to save their lives, and now they need additional surgery, pain management and physiotherapy to regain use of damaged limbs and muscles and to prevent losing more or all of their movement," said Nagarathnam.
After the war, Mosul lost more than 2,000 hospital beds [MSF] |
A team of 30 Iraqi and international medical experts will provide free surgeries, post-operative care and rehabilitation, working closely with the al-Salaam hospitals and Ninewa Directorate of Health to refer the patients most in need.