Joys of Eid al-Fitr placed on hold as Gazans toil to make ends meet

Palestinians shop for decorations in Al-Zawya old market in Gaza City, in preparation of the upcoming Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan
4 min read
29 April, 2022

, the three-day feast that signifies the end of the holy month of Ramadan is meant to be a happy, joyous occasion. But for the population of Gaza, deteriorating economic conditions, have meant that celebrating this holidayin full is now a luxury.

In times gone by, Gazans would flock to the market to buy clothes, decorations and special sweets for their family. In particular, Fahmi Beek street used to be a favourite since it connected three of the largest markets in the besieged enclave: Al-Zawiya, Omar Al-Mukhtar and Al Shuja'iya.

This year, the streets and markets are eerily quiet.

"83% of the population of the Gaza Strip lives below the poverty line... the average daily income per capita is two USdollars"

Salem al-Sawalha, a young man hailing from Gaza City went with his three friends to buy Eid clothes, , from Omar Al-Mukhtar street. After three hours of walking, Salem and his friends would return empty-handed.

"The prices are now very expensive. I cannot afford anything at such cost," the 25-year-old man told, adding that "the price of one shirt is now up to $30, in previous years this same shirt wouldn't be more than $15."

This year, Salem's option is now to either mend his old clothes or buy second-hand clothes at reduced prices. "These days life is very difficult for everyone in Gaza, both for the vendors and the consumers. ", Salem said.

A Gazan child stands in front of a clothes stall [Getty Images]

Kifah Hana, a mother of five, has altogether avoided going to the markets, choosing instead to buy from vendors on the road which are usually cheaper. This, to her, seemed like the only option to.

The 42-year-old toldthat "children do not understand the meaning of not having money, they don't understand poverty. They think we can buy anything at any time. As a result, I just have to buy the basics, on a meagre budget so that they can be happy like other children."

Goods are now piled high on the shop shelves. Shop owners complain that purchasing power has decreased by 40% this year

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Israel on the Gaza Strip since mid-2007 after the Islamic Hamas movement took control of the enclave after rounds of fighting with forces loyal to the Palestinian Authority.

Since then, all regional and international efforts and mediations to achieve reconciliation have faltered. This situation casts a dark shadow on the economic and living reality in Gaza.

According to a report issued by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics for International Labour Day in 2021, the unemployment rate in the Gaza Strip

The report indicated that about 83 per cent of the population of the Gaza Strip lives below the poverty line, as a result of the deteriorating political and economic conditions, in addition to the strict Israeli blockade on the Strip. According to the People's Committee to Confront the Siege on Gaza, the average daily income per capita is two U.S. dollars.

A Palestinian family makes traditional sweets at their home in Gaza in preparation for Eid al-Fitr [Getty Images]

Mohammed al-Shurafa, a clothing merchant from Gaza complained about the effect of this economic stagnation to , saying that "the situation is very tragic, even when Hamas and the Palestinian Authority pay salaries,. People do not have enough money to buy Eid clothes or decorations for their homes. We will experience huge losses this Eid."

Despite this,many Gazan women have started preparing Eid al-Fitr celebrations in their own way, with manybusy making traditional date-filled cookies in their houses.


Hiba al-Astal and three of her sisters, all mothers with children, gathered in her house to make Eid cakes. "I cannot deprive my children of all aspects of celebrating the feast (...) Making cake is a traditional custom associated with holidays, so I make sure to observe thisdespite the economic situation,” the 39-year-old mother of four told .

"I feel happy when I see my children gather around me while I prepare cakes for them," she said. Despite growing hardship, sometimes it is the little things that cause the brightest smiles.

Sally Ibrahimis'scorrespondent from Gaza