
Environment and Climate

Is Italy's support for Israel linked to Gaza's offshore gas?
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Italy's tame treatment of Israel during its attack on Gaza could be linked to gas reserves off Gaza's coast, with Italian oil giant Eni a major beneficiary.
Ras al-Hekma screengrab
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The $35 billion deal between UAE and Egypt for Ras al-Hekma remains opaque, forcing researchers to speculate about the project's long-term sustainability.
Why is Lebanon flooding, and what will it take to fix?
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Floods are increasing in urban areas in Lebanon due to sewage pollution & lack of maintenance, according to storm-water management expert Nadim Farajalla.
Farmers in Jordan are mobilising against desertification and poor pay
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Agriculture in Jordan is suffering from neoliberal policies and Israel's water capture, forcing activists to mobilise against desertification and poor pay.
The small oasis town fighting water privatisation in Morocco
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Residents of the oasis city of Figuig in Morocco have been protesting against the government's plan to allow a private company to manage its drinking water.
Hotter and hungrier: The Middle East in a 1.5C warmer world
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A peek into what the future holds for three of the Middle East's most vulnerable countries, in a world where global temperatures increase by 1.5C and more.
What's behind Saudi Arabia's plan to air-condition Riyadh?
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Scientists have developed a method to reduce Riyadh's temperature by 4.5°C while saving 16% on cooling energy through heat migration technologies.
Libya's polluted coastline is a symptom of state failure
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A decade of political turmoil in Libya has had a catastrophic impact on the environment. The heavily polluted coastline is affecting biodiversity.
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Israel's foreign minister is using the idea of an artificial island off Gaza to potentially facilitate further forced displacement of the Strip's population.
Why Egypt's water scarcity problem goes deeper than the Nile
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Egypt has sought to resolve its water crisis by creating a diplomatic record of water conservation. But has the scale of the crisis meant it's already too late?