
Author Page

Salim Nuqul

Salim Nuqul

Salim Nuqul

Salim Nuqul is the Managing and Research Director at Core Consultants Network. His expertise lies in Middle Eastern affairs, violent extremism, international relations, and conflict and peace-related matters in the MENA region. Nuqul holds a Master's Degree in International Affairs from King's College London and an Executive Master's Degree from the Geneva Graduate Institute in Development Policies and Practices.

In its coverage of Gaza, Western media has pushed a distorted narrative, spread disinformation, and parroted propaganda that has helped to manufacture consent for Israel's violence against Palestinians, writes Salim Nuqul.

15 November, 2023

Decades of over $50 billion in foreign aid has not served the Palestinian people in their struggle against Israel’s oppression. Salim Nuqul argues that effective strategising, building unity, and international alliances are what is urgently needed.

30 August, 2023