
Author Page

Jessie Williams

Jessie Williams


Jessie Williams is a freelance journalist, editor, and writer based in London. Her interest lies in global current affairs, humanitarian issues, women's rights, migration, culture, and politics - with the aim of exploring the human stories behind the headlines.

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Ten years after Iraq's Sinjar massacre, Yazidi women who survived IS's violence are now clearing landmines and working hard to rebuild their shattered community

06 August, 2024

Each year, settler violence and Israeli impunity devastate the Palestinian olive harvest in the West Bank. Groves are uprooted, and farmers are attacked.

14 December, 2023

Amid a culture of antagonism toward Syrian refugees in Turkey, a photography project has fostered friendships between refugees and Turkish children. Sirkhane Darkroom's workshops have allowed children to express their emotions in new, creative ways.

20 June, 2023

Gender-based violence remains endemic in Egypt. Abuse is often swept under the carpet, with perpetrators shielded from justice. Through her photography, Lina Geoushy is bringing this issue to light by highlighting the forgotten stories of women.

25 November, 2022