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Erick Viramontes

Erick Viramontes

Erick Viramontes is assistant professor of international relations at Tecnológico de Monterrey in Querétaro, Mexico. His research looks at transregional relations between Middle East and Latin America and the contributions of decolonial thinking to international relations theory. His publications include Questioning the quest for pluralism: how decolonial is non-western IR? in the journal Alternatives: Global, Local, PoliticalÌý²¹²Ô»å Competing narratives of modernization: the subject of the knowledge-economy and its national duties in the journal Subjectivity.

As movements in Mexico make links with the Palestinian struggle in the fight against militarisation, Erick Viramontes explains that given its violent global impacts, a broader transnational mobilisation is urgently needed.

21 October, 2022

Comment: Since the beginning of Qatar's increasing regional activism, reactionary powers have been keen to get rid of such a 'disruptive element' in the region, writes Erick Viramontes.

20 June, 2017