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Ahmed Alqarout

Ahmed Alqarout


Ahmed Alqarout is the Lead Middle East and North Africa Analyst at Sibylline risk consultancy and a specialist in the political economy of conflicts. His research focuses on the impact of financial and economic policies on regime stability in the Middle East and North Africa

Analysis: The Palestinian group's strategy to develop maritime trade routes and protect Gaza's gas resources is part of a regional struggle in the Mediterranean for maritime dominance between US and Iranian allies.

22 September, 2022

Analysis: Huge amounts of Russian money are being transferred to the UAE through property, businesses, and cryptocurrencies to avoid international sanctions, with Abu Dhabi leveraging its standing as a global financial hub.

25 August, 2022

Analysis: With the development of new capabilities, undersea warfare opens up new frontiers in the ongoing rivalry between Israel, Hezbollah, and Hamas, with consequences that could reverberate globally.

10 August, 2022

Analysis: After several IMF loans, Egypt's economy continues to struggle and debt is skyrocketing. Recent policies suggest Cairo may be joining a growing trend of nations taking measures to undermine the US's financial hegemony.

06 July, 2022