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Anna-Christina Schmidl

Anna-Christina Schmidl


Anna-Christina Schmidl is a human rights researcher and writer currently based in Germany. 

Analysis: For victims and survivors of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as in many conflicts around the world, the pursuit of justice will likely remain elusive – at least in the short term.

15 April, 2022

Russia's attack on Ukraine is the latest in a series of bloody events in the 21st century - from the War on Terror to Syria - that is rapidly unravelling the very fabric of the international legal order, writes Anna-Christina Schmidl.

28 February, 2022

To prevent further serious human rights violations in Yemen and halt a deeper descent into a humanitarian catastrophe, the international community must reinstate an oversight and investigation mechanism, writes Anna-Christina Schmidl.

07 February, 2022

Opinion: The Islamic State committed genocide against Iraq's Yazidis. Thousands remain unaccounted for and thousands more lie in mass graves. The international community should demand accountability, writes Anna-Christina Schmidl.

03 September, 2021

Opinion: An international court recently upheld the life sentence of the "Butcher of Bosnia" Ratko Mladic, but we should ask why the international community failed to stop these crimes from happening, writes Anna-Christina Schmidl.

23 June, 2021