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Austin Bodetti


Austin Bodetti is a former contributor to °®Âþµº, where he wrote about environmental issues

Teetering on edge, Somalians brace for disaster. Faced with famine and increased militant activity, Somalia's multi-faceted crisis has been compounded by a worsening toxic waste problem that is poisoning wildlife and the human population.

17 April, 2023

Yemen's beekeeping industry is 'as old as civilisation itself'. But the ancient tradition is now under threat by the effects of climate change, forcing a hundred thousand enthusiasts into poverty.

11 April, 2023

Sudanese women in rural areas are bearing the brunt of a climate that is only worsening. With rising temperatures compounded by drought, a raft of UN initiatives has stepped in to mitigate these conditions and empower the marginalised demographic.

27 March, 2023

With an economy in crisis, and Kais Saied's regime openly quashing dissent, Tunisia is in the doldrums. But the country's renewable energy resources have gifted its citizens some respite after the successful implementation of solar energy initiatives

21 March, 2023

Brunei is the latest oil-rich state to accelerate its transition toward renewable energy. In doing so the South East Asian sultanate follows the playbook set by the Gulf monarchies in attempting to diversify their energy and fuel assets.

13 February, 2023

The olive tree, the eternal symbol of peace and freedom, is under threat. Increased incidents of drought and heat waves across major producing countries have caused a dramatic fall in olive oil production, with solutions needed now more than ever.

21 November, 2022

Given the pressing nature of this year's extraordinary climate disruption, climate organisers have called on world leaders to act decisively at COP26. But how has the Arab world conducted themselves, many of whom benefit from greenhouse emissions?

05 November, 2021

As the Taliban seized more territory in recent years, the militant group's use of social media has evolved from efforts to attract foreign funding and promote its victories overseas to selling itself as a government in waiting for all Afghans.

30 September, 2021

One of Iraq's most enchanting ecological treasures, the Mesopotamian Marshes, is under severe threat from increased environmental degradation, having endured the wrath of Saddam and now the consequences of climate change.

15 September, 2021

A relative lull in the Libyan conflict has meant aquaculture prospectors have travelled to the remote Farwa Island in search of economic opportunity, causing ecological damage and degradation to the once unspoilt area.

14 September, 2021