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Ali Bakir

Ali Bakir

Ali Bakir is an Assistant Professor at Qatar University's Ibn Khaldon Center and a nonresident Senior Fellow with the Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative at the Washington-based Atlantic Council

Comment: Allowing partisan convictions to jeopardise our understanding of the facts only risks leading to a dangerous escalation with Iran, writes Dr Ali Bakeer.

14 June, 2019

Comment: Iraq, Qatar or Oman could all offer a forum for backdoor diplomacy to help de-escalate tensions between the US and Iran, writes Dr Ali Bakeer.

21 May, 2019

Comment: Privatised Turkish arms manufacturing, with significant Qatari investment brings both opportunities and challenges to the the Doha-Ankara military partnership, writes Dr Ali Bakeer.

25 February, 2019

Comment: Saudi Arabia is trying to topple the Emir of Qatar and it will fail, writes Dr Ali Bakeer.

07 September, 2017