
Author Page


Fadi al-Qadi

Fadi al-Qadi

Fadi al-Qadi is a Middle East and North Africa human rights advocate, commentator and writer. Follow him on Twitter: @fqadi

Comment: While state-sanctioned protests over Trump's Jerusalem move gathered crowds, outcry over government cuts to bread subsidies has been muted, writes Fadi al-Qadi.

12 February, 2018

Comment: Migrant workers across the Gulf suffer abuse and inhumane conditions imposed by their employers in the absence of serious governmental monitoring or intervention, writes Fadi al-Qadi.

05 December, 2017

Comment: Freedom of the press is a direct reflection of the liberties and respect for human rights a country affords its citizens, writes Fadi Al-Qadi.

02 May, 2017

Comment: Today marks International day to end impunity for crimes against journalists. But UN resolutions do little to combat corrupt institutions where impunity reigns, writes Fadi Qadi

02 November, 2016

Comment: Jordan's electoral process is a political space in decline, where representation remains very narrow, and deputies have no capacity to alter the balance of power, writes Fadi al-Qadi

22 September, 2016

Comment: Friends and family of the Jordanian journalist who went missing in the United Arab Emirates fear he may he have been tortured by authorities, writes Fadi al-Qadi.

05 February, 2016