

Hilary Aked


Hilary Aked is a London-based researcher and freelance journalist currently writing their PhD which examines the pro-Israel lobby in the UK.

Comment: Despite Israel's efforts to smother BDS, the Argentinian team's move proves decisively that the movement can and will continue to grow from the bottom up, writes Hilary Aked.

07 June, 2018

Comment: The consolidation of a left-wing, pro-Palestinian leader's power, has been bad news for Israel's supporters in Labour, writes Hilary Aked.

18 December, 2017

Comment: Israel's support for Trump's embassy move would expose its 'desire for peace' as a lie, writes Hilary Aked.

06 December, 2017

Comment: The 'Prevent' strategy divides the United Kingdom, with Conservatives wanting to bolster a policy which critics say is both Islamophobic and counter-productive, writes Hilary Aked.

30 May, 2017

Comment: The 'Prevent' strategy divides the United Kingdom, with Conservatives wanting to bolster a policy which critics say is both Islamophobic and counter-productive, writes Hilary Aked.

25 May, 2017

Comment: With a UK general election just six weeks away, Hilary Aked takes a look at the gulf separating Britain's two major parties on foreign policy in the Arab world.

24 April, 2017

Comment: Israel and its allies will need to engage in ever more outrageous censorship to keep a lid on the burgeoning criticism of it, writes Hilary Aked.

23 March, 2017

Comment: Hoping to cosy up to Israel in a post-Brexit Britain, the UK government has moved to make local councils' boycott of Israeli companies illegal, writes Hilary Aked.

22 February, 2017

Comment: Calling for transparency is about democratising UK politics. It should be the rule for everyone from arms dealers to pharmaceutical and energy companies, writes Hilary Aked.

01 February, 2017

Comment: Shai Masot's unguarded comments suggest that Israel's UK 'grassroots' are actually more 'astroturf'; operating effectively as front groups for Israeli state power, writes Hilary Aked

10 January, 2017