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Jean-Pierre Sereni


Analysis: Struggling with an economic crisis, Egypt has once again appealed to the IMF for assistance. But new conditions may challenge the privileges that Egypt's military sector enjoys to the detriment of its private counterpart.

13 May, 2022

Comment: While the army continues to tighten its grip on the economy, Egypt is facing new challenges, including a towering debt the collapse of the tourist trade, writes Jean-Pierre Sereni.

27 March, 2020

Comment: An unprecedented study reveals the damage wrought by a system marked by low productivity, secrecy and collusion schemes, writes Jean-Pierre Sereni.

09 January, 2020

Comment: Sisi's government boasts of its economic accomplishments, but for the vast majority of Egyptians, their lot hasn't improved at all, writes Jean-Pierre Sereni.

13 November, 2019

Interview: Jean-Pierre Séréni talks to seasoned businessman, Slim Othmani, who believes he might have the answer to rousing the Algerian economy from its 20-year torpor.

01 October, 2018

Analysis: While European economies appear to have weathered the storm, dark forecasts for the Arab world persist, writes Jean-Pierre Sereni.

23 November, 2017

Comment: The Tunisian state is in free-fall with a powerless president, an increased threat of militant groups, economic struggles and dangerous regional upheaval, argues Jean-Pierre Sereni.

19 March, 2016

Comment: Six years ago, Algeria's president was pronounced "over" by French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy. Then came the Arab Spring, and a new ally in the Elysee Palace, writes Jean-Pierre Sereni.

19 August, 2015

Analysis: A former senior civil servant argues the Algerian state is sleepwalking into crisis, and the easy solutions of the past will no longer work.

28 June, 2015