

Usaid Siddiqui


Usaid Siddiqui is a Canadian-based freelance writer. He has written for PolicyMic, Aslan Media, Al Jazeera America, and Mondoweiss on current affairs. Twitter handle:@UsaidMuneeb16

Comment: Interventions are often masked as humanitarian endeavours, and the government's rejection of the Dubs amendment betrays the self-interested, political motives behind its actions, says Usaid Saddiqui

05 May, 2016

Comment: The Labour leader, a frequent critic of Israel, has cracked down on isolated cases of anti-Semitism, therefore suggesting the party has an inherent problem is disingenuous, writes Usaid Saddiqui.

29 April, 2016

Comment: While Trump's anti-minority rhetoric follows in the footsteps of previous US governments, it brings a culture of fear and suspicion that extends to the classroom, writes Usaid Saddiqui

22 April, 2016

Comment: Corrie paid the ultimate price in solidarity with Palestinians, but her sacrifice has inspired millions, writes Usaid Saddiqui.

18 April, 2016

Comment: While Blair's attitude towards Muslims is patronising and uninformed, he turns a convenient blind eye to his cooperation with former dictators, says Usaid Saddiqui

11 April, 2016

Comment: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump reaffirmed their unconditional support for Israel and, in turn, reassured to the Palestinians that they will see more of the same, if not worse.

31 March, 2016