Usaid Siddiqui is a Canadian-based freelance writer. He has written for PolicyMic, Aslan Media, Al Jazeera America, and Mondoweiss on current affairs. Twitter handle:@UsaidMuneeb16
Comment: Interventions are often masked as humanitarian endeavours, and the government's rejection of the Dubs amendment betrays the self-interested, political motives behind its actions, says Usaid Saddiqui
Comment: The Labour leader, a frequent critic of Israel, has cracked down on isolated cases of anti-Semitism, therefore suggesting the party has an inherent problem is disingenuous, writes Usaid Saddiqui.
Comment: While Trump's anti-minority rhetoric follows in the footsteps of previous US governments, it brings a culture of fear and suspicion that extends to the classroom, writes Usaid Saddiqui
Comment: While Blair's attitude towards Muslims is patronising and uninformed, he turns a convenient blind eye to his cooperation with former dictators, says Usaid Saddiqui
Comment: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump reaffirmed their unconditional support for Israel and, in turn, reassured to the Palestinians that they will see more of the same, if not worse.