

Usaid Siddiqui


Usaid Siddiqui is a Canadian-based freelance writer. He has written for PolicyMic, Aslan Media, Al Jazeera America, and Mondoweiss on current affairs. Twitter handle:@UsaidMuneeb16

Comment: Usaid Saddiqui draws a parallel between the experiences and challenges facing Kashmiris and Palestinians, with a view to encouraging alliance-building between the two populations.

04 August, 2016

Comment: After experiencing the most comprehensive sanctions in modern times, the invasion in 2003 sealed Iraq's political, economic and social devastation for the next 13 years, writes Usaid Saddiqui

21 July, 2016

Comment: US drone strikes are killing innocent men, women and children. They are mired in controversy and only serve to stoke further violence, aiding America's enemies, writes Usaid Saddiqui.

11 July, 2016

Comment: US stop-and-search operations, Israeli spying techniques, and dubious airport security tactics, highlight that racial profiling is counterproductive and there are better ways to protect the public, says Usaid Saddiqui.

29 June, 2016

Comment: Postulating about radical Islam does nothing to tackle the real issues of gun control and homophobia. Instead, it serves to deepen divisions and further political agendas, writes Usaid Saddiqui

19 June, 2016

Comment: Ramadan is a time for reflection and charity, but Muslims must look beyond the contributions they can make as individuals, and push for democratic reform, writes Usaid Saddiqui

14 June, 2016

Comment: Western media condemn Netanyahu's appointment of Lieberman, but Israeli politics and society lurched to the far-right much earlier; a shift many failed to notice, writes Usaid Saddiqui

06 June, 2016

Comment: Inter-faith relations are improving, but unless el-Tayab promotes a viable democracy at home, this renewed cordiality will look like little more than a news headline, writes Usaid Saddiqui

27 May, 2016

Comment: It is poverty and a lust for revenge that drives people into the arms of armed movements, writes Usaid Saddiqui.

23 May, 2016

Comment: Islam has had a long and rich history in Europe, but peddling it as an imported and dangerous entity creates a harmful "us versus them" attitude says Usaid Saddiqui

13 May, 2016