

Mohamed ElMeshad


Journalist and PhD candidate at SOAS. His research interests focus on political economy. He extensively worked on Egypt, Bahrain, West Africa, the UK and US. Recently, he contributed to the Committee to Protect Journalists’ book, "Attacks on the Press" (2015).

Gleeful reactions from Egyptian media outlets over the failed coup attempt in Turkey enforce disconnect between media and reality as well as the breakdown of relationship between the two countries.

29 July, 2016

Comment: The Egyptian foreign minister's trip to see Binyamin Netanyahu reveals a Sadat-like foreign policy agenda - shunting the Palestinian issue down the priority list, writes Mohamed ElMeshad.

21 July, 2016

Comment: The fate of journalist Lilian Daoud speaks of a media landscape in which the regime will enjoy the freedom to shape the political climate it chooses, writes Mohamed ElMeshad

04 July, 2016

Comment: Egypt's judiciary's decision to annul Sisi's islands deal with Saudi Arabia, leaves him facing a difficult decision: Contract his own judiciary or lose the Saudi investment, writes Mohamed ElMeshad

24 June, 2016

Comment: Ali’s commitment to social justice had much in common with the values driving the Arab Spring. His legacy should serve as an inspiration for future generations, writes Mohamed Elmeshad

14 June, 2016

Two years under Sisi and the Egyptian economy does not feel like it is improving, writes Mohamed ElMeshad.

06 June, 2016

Comment: An increasingly oligarchic Egypt is colluding with the country's rulers to eliminate media space for critical thinking and opinion, writes Mohamed ElMeshad.

20 May, 2016

Comment: Apart from using social media for spreading news, mainstream outlets use social media to reinforce their own biases and frame news, argues Mohamed ElMeshad.

17 May, 2016

Comment: Sisi's recent crackdown on Egypt's journalists does not bode well for the country's media, and is a worrying indicator of a regime slipping into old ways, writes Mohamed ElMeshad

06 May, 2016

Comment: After Egyptian and Saudi heads of state met in Cairo, Egyptians are left pondering about the astonishing giveaway of land to their neighbours to the East, writes Mohamed ElMeshad.

15 April, 2016