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Karl Sabbagh


Karl Sabbagh is a British Palestinian writer, documentary maker and publisher. Author of dozens of books he also runs Skyscraper Publications, a small independent publisher.

Comment: Thousands on non-Palestinians work to show the injustice of Israel's slaughter of Palestinians. That there are only a handful of non-Jews supporting Israel says everything, says Karl Sabbagh.

17 June, 2015

Comment: A new president in northern Cyprus brings greater unity to a divided island and raises hopes that a new leadership could bring peace to Palestine, says Karl Sabbagh.

03 June, 2015

Comment: The past is a powerful political tool. Its selective interpretation and destruction should be condemned, whether it is by the Islamic State group or Israel, says Karl Sabbagh.

29 May, 2015

Comment: US support of Israel knows no bounds - from redefining anti-Semitism to blocking EU policies critical of Israel. Let's take this love-fest to the next level, says Karl Sabbagh.

19 May, 2015

Comment: In Palestine, as in the UK during the election, the public narrative often runs counter to prevailing private beliefs, says Karl Sabbagh.

12 May, 2015

Comment: Museums are an important part of any nation's identity, and even constitute a claim to that identity. This is why museums about Palestine are important, says Karl Sabbagh.

06 May, 2015

Comment: The Balfour Declaration promised nothing, but was cited by those wanting a Jewish state in Palestine. What would happen if focus was shifted to Palestinians, asks Karl Sabbagh.

29 April, 2015

Comment: The lack of effective Arab support for Palestinians means it is easy for them to forget they are Arabs, and that Palestine is an Arab cause, says Karl Sabbagh.

13 April, 2015

Comment: The nature of the US political system allows those with money - in this example, pro-Zionists - to wield undue influence over policy.

08 April, 2015

Comment: By failing to analyse and understand the rationale behind Israel's propaganda, Western media is complicit in its lies.

03 April, 2015