In-depth: Israel has displaced over 40,000 Palestinian refugees and destroyed four camps, stoking fears it seeks to erase the refugee question altogether.
A Palestinian journalist was shot and killed in the northern West Bank town of Jenin, where the PA has been carrying out raids against Palestinian fighters.
The official said that the Emirati plan included stipulations perceived as interference in Palestinian affairs, portraying the Palestinian Authority as corrupt.
Rajoub was detained for hours as he attempted to enter the West Bank following his return from the Paris Olympic Games, and had his passport confiscated.
°®Âþµº Meets: Daniel Jadue, one of the candidates for this year's Chilean presidential election. A member of the Communist Party of Chile, he speaks to Naela Khalil about his Palestinian roots and growing up under Pinochet's dictatorship.
Abu Shehadeh said the Palestinian-Israelis are being subjected to racist discrimination and violence from Israeli forces and armed right-wing Zionist extremists.