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James Brownsell


James Brownsell was formerly managing editor of °®Âþµº and Europe editor at Al Jazeera English. Follow him on Twitter: @jamesbrownsell

The UK government's plan to send migrants to Rwanda was immoral, impractical, unfunded - and has now been found to have been illegal. But the policy's target was always a domestic audience, argues James Brownsell.

24 August, 2023

Comment: Victims of human rights abuses in the Middle East will receive no support from a Britain dependent on trade deals with despots and dictators, writes James Brownsell.

19 February, 2019

The four-nil footballing lesson won't end the blockade or resolve any of the region's wars, but it sure felt good, writes James Brownsell

30 January, 2019

Comment: Hundreds killed, tens of thousands locked up. There's a side to Egypt not shown in glossy magazine holiday adverts, writes James Brownsell

03 October, 2018

Comment: Corbyn has finally declared a policy on Brexit, but whether it's the beginning of a unified opposition to a disastrous Conservative government remains to be seen, writes James Brownsell.

27 September, 2018

Comment: This wasn't self defence; Israeli troops were compelled only by politics to kill protesting Palestinians, writes James Brownsell.

16 May, 2018

Comment: This wasn't self defence; Israeli troops were compelled only by politics to kill protesting Palestinians, writes James Brownsell.

14 May, 2018

Comment: The long-negotiated Iran nuclear deal keeps the dogs of war on a leash. It must not be scrapped, writes James Brownsell.

13 October, 2017

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30 August, 2017

Having them approve of us would be one, writes Managing Editor James Brownsell.

23 June, 2017