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Mobashra Tazamal


Mobashra Tazamal is the Associate Director of The Bridge Initiative, a research project on Islamophobia, at Georgetown University. Her work has appeared in Al Jazeera, The Independent, Middle East Eye, and AltMuslimah.

Comment: The language and logic of counter-terrorism established by the US has been used to justify a devastating spectrum of Muslim persecution from France to China, writes Mobashra Tazamal.

15 October, 2020

Comment: On her show, TV host Joy Reid cast Islam and Muslims as the standard for radicalisation in the US, ignoring the country's own violent history, writes Mobashra Tazamal.

07 September, 2020

Comment: Just as they did for Obama, Republicans and right-wing media will level their attacks not against Harris's policy positions, but against who she is, writes Mobashra Tazamal.

25 August, 2020

Comment: It's easy for Biden oppose Trump's racist rhetoric, but the real test lies in whether he can meaningfully engage with the Muslim American community, writes Mobashra Tazamal.

04 August, 2020

Comment: Trump is calling on Stephen Miller's toxic immigration politics to distract from his falling poll numbers and a disastrous handling of the pandemic, writes Mobashra Tazamal.

08 July, 2020

Comment: If anything, the Modi government has weaponised the coronavirus pandemic to further dehumanise India's Muslims, writes Mobashra Tazamal.

01 July, 2020

Comment: Trump's latest order isn't aimed at protecting the health and safety of Americans, rather it seeks to distract from his failings and incite racism, writes Mobashra Tazamal.

24 April, 2020

Comment: The post-9/11 discourse is a favourite tactic for 'justifying' the Islamophobic policies of governments around the world, writes Mobashra Tazamal.

05 March, 2020

Comment: President Trump has made Islamophobia one of the defining features of his presidency, writes Mobashra Tazamal.

05 February, 2020